GCI: Pool Party
Bethel is a key market for GCI, and a thorough evaluation demonstrated Bethel is home to some of GCI’s most important business and consumer customers. GCI determined it would take dramatic action to demonstrate its commitment to the community and decided to host a rural flagship event in Bethel, orchestrated by T&C.
Community Relations & Events
Digital Marketing
Event Planning

The Challenge
The team conducted interviews with locals to identify an activity that would be meaningful to the community while also being mindful of cultural considerations. The overwhelming feedback demonstrated the local pool generated a particular sense of pride for the community. The Bethel pool was the passion project of a group of moms who were heartbroken over children who drowned in local bodies of water because they had no opportunity to learn to swim in Alaska’s frigid waters. Today, the Yukon Fitness Center and pool operates on donations and entry fees. Public safety is still a theme — youth swim classes are offered throughout the week, though costs can be prohibitive for some community members.
The Approach
In a region where residents live through nine months of a cold winter season, a community pool party seemed like an opportunity celebrate the community’s achievement, provide a very visible venue for GCI to make a donation, and engage with hundreds of existing and potential customers in a fun, informal and free environment.
Community Relations & Events
The team utilized several community relations efforts to spread the word about the event and promote goodwill for GCI. This included hiring and buying local for all services and consumables to show a commitment to the Bethel economy. GCI also invited its ambassador and NBC’s “American Ninja Warrior” finalist Nick Hanson to the event. Hanson, an Inupiaq from Unalakleet, is a rural Alaska celebrity who uses his platform to promote healthy lifestyles for rural Alaska children and young adults. The team also sent Nick Hanson into the community the day of the event with fliers to spread the word across the small community. To encourage attendance, the team also distributed a media advisory for local radio and print outlets.

Digital Marketing
The team promoted the event through gated social media posts and a Facebook event. GCI Ambassador Nick Hanson also promoted the event to his 33,000 Instagram followers. In addition, the team leveraged the prominent location of GCI’s local store in Bethel to promote the event through digital signs in the store. Digital signage was also made for the event to keep GCI messaging in front of attendees.
Event Planning
In addition to spreading the word, the team embarked on the major lift of planning all logistics for the event from Anchorage, including a wristband system for entry, swag such as beach balls, giveaways, pop-ups and more. The team coordinated with the facility from afar and created a master Run of Show with a short speaking program from GCI executives and community stakeholders.